Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Error - The Managed Metadata Service 'Managed Metadata Service Application' is inaccessible or not working


If you receive a Message at "Event Viewer" with something like this:

"The Managed Metadata Service 'Managed Metadata Service Application' is inaccessible."

Follow the steps bellow!


  1. Go to “Central Administration” and select “Manage service applications”.
  2. Select "Managed Metadata service application" (outside the name)  (Picture 1)
  3. Then click on "Properties” (Picture 1)
  4.  (Picture 1)
  5. Save your "Database name" (Picture 1)
  6. Append "_temp" to the "Database name", so it will be "SPT13PRD_SvcApp_Metadata_temp" in my case.
  7. Confirm if the change took affect. If not repeat. (In my case It took twice).
  8. Wait 5 minutes.
  9. Do the Step 6 but instead of append, remove the "_temp".
  10. Repeat Step 7.
  11. Wait 1 minute, so changes take affect.
  12. Select Administrators (Picture 1 - Left of "Manage") and add the SharePoint Administrators Accounts (At least your User).
  13. Finish

You should be able to use your manage Metadata Service.

Have a nice Day!

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